How to run a program with commandline arguments using GDB within a Bash script


When running a program on GDB, usually, the arguments for the program are given at the run command. Is there a way to run the program using GDB and as well as give arguments within a shell script?

I saw an answer in a related question, mentioning that we can attach GDB to the program after the script starts executing. But then I will have to 'wait' the program.

Is there another way to do this?

Best Answer

You can run gdb with --args parameter,

gdb --args executablename arg1 arg2 arg3

If you want it to run automatically, place some commands in a file (e.g. 'run') and give it as argument: -x /tmp/cmds. Optionally you can run with -batch mode.

gdb -batch -x /tmp/cmds --args executablename arg1 arg2 arg3