How to run a .vbs file from within Microsoft Script Editor


Is it possible to open Microsoft Script Editor, then from within the editor open a .vbs (VBScript) file, then run/debug it?

I know I can use the command-line cscript (filename) //X to launch the file, allowing me to select Microsoft Script Editor as the debugger, but I want to do everything from within Microsoft Script Editor.

I am aware of a number of freeware and commercial editors that more or less will do what I want in a more or less integrated fashion, but this question is about Microsoft Script Editor specifically.

Is Microsoft Script Editor as a stand-alone application only useful for editing/debugging scripts that are part of a web page?

Best Answer

Your script has to be part of a web page. It would be nice if the MS Script Editor lived up to its name but it doesn't. You can make a simple HTML page to include your vbs file and use that in the Script Editor to launch your script. The page can be as simple as this:

<script language="vbscript" src="file:///C:\myscript.vbs">