How to safely embed any flash file (swf)


I want to allow my users to embed their own Flash animations in their posts. Usually the actual file is hosted on some free image hosting site. I wouldn't actually load the flash unless the user clicked a button to play (so that nothing auto-plays on page load). I know people can make some really annoying crap in flash, but I can't find any information about potential serious damage a flash app could cause to the viewer.

Is it unsafe to embed just any flash file from the internets? If so, how can I let users embed innocent animations but still keep out the harmful apps?


From what I can gather, the most obvious threat is for actionscript to redirect you to a malicious site.

Adobe says you can set allowScriptAccess=never and allowNetworking=none and the swf should have no access to anything outside of itself. Will this solve all my problems?

Best Answer

Flash has some neat security measures in place. Allowing users to upload swf's to your site and embedding them is unsafe, you're basically setting yourself up for an XSS attack.

However, allowing them to hotlink should not be a problem. The swf will be locked to the domain that is hosting it and is not allowed calling url's outside of that space.

It will still be open to "evil links" (i'm sure theres a proper word for them), and by that I mean having regular links to which it tries to load "as" you. It will not however be able to use this data in any way, it'll basically be the same as a normal link, and I'd guess modern cms' are protected from that type of attacks.

You could get the same protection by hosting your flashes on a different subdomain, since flash considers this the same as a completely different domain.

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