How to search the text of changelist descriptions in Perforce


On occasion, I find myself wanting to search the text of changelist descriptions in Perforce. There doesn't appear to be a way to do this in P4V. I can do it by redirecting the output of the changes command to a file…

p4 changes -l > p4changes.txt

…(the -l switch tells it to dump the full text of the changelist descriptions) and then searching the file, but this is rather cumbersome. Has anyone found a better way?

Best Answer

When the submitted changelist pane has focus, a CTRL+F lets you do an arbitrary text search, which includes changelist descriptions.

The only limitation is that it searches just those changelists that have been fetched from the server, so you may need to up the number retrieved. This is done via the "Number of changelists, jobs, branch mappings or labels to fetch at a time" setting which can be found by navigating to Edit->Preferences->Server Data.

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