R – how to send alert to person chosen during the creation of new item in the list in sharepoint 2007


I am using microsoft office sharepoint server 2007.

i have a sharepoint list in which one collumn is assinged operator. this column selects a single user from a group called operators.

i understand that there is an option to send alert to users using alert me setting of the list. however the problem is that i dont want to send alert to the whole group or to the person i define in alert me settings . i just want the alert to be sent to the person who is selected in the assigned operator column while creating a new item in the list.

how can i do that. ?

Best Answer

If you want a no-code solution, create a Workflow with Sharepoint Desinger. Follow this tutorial http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepointdesigner/HA102390421033.aspx, just when use a field from current list item in the "to" field instead of constnt string.

If you can deploy code to your server, you can create an eventhandler that catches ItemAdded event and send your e-mail from code.