R – How to set the $RTTI directive for the entire project


I'm working on migrating an old project from Delphi 2007 to Delphi 2010. One thing I've found is that the resulting executable has more than doubled in size, and the original was already quite big. (Over 50 MB.) I suspect that a lot of it has to do with extended RTTI.

Since the project predates Delphi 2010, it doesn't use extended RTTI anywhere, and I'd like to be conservative about including it. Is there any way to use the Project Options dialog to globally set {$RTTI EXPLICIT METHODS([]) PROPERTIES([]) FIELDS([])} as the default? I'd have expected there to be an option for this (and for $WEAKLINKRTTI) somewhere, but I don't see them.

Does anyone know if this can be done from the "Additional options to pass to the compiler" field, or some other way? I'd really prefer not to have to add an include file to every single unit in the project, as there are a few thousand of them…

Best Answer

The behavior of the $RTTI directive has been changed since XE6 because actually it was a bug because it was supposed to be local to the current unit (and it was actually documented as that since Delphi 2010).

Also it could have fatal affects using the directive at all even in one unit because due to the bug it basically switched a global flag affecting the following units (as in the order of compilation).

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