Typescript – How to suppress “error TS2533: Object is possibly ‘null’ or ‘undefined'”


I have a type:

type tSelectProtected = {
  handleSelector?: string,
  data?: tSelectDataItem[],

  wrapperEle?: HTMLElement,
  inputEle?: HTMLElement,
  listEle?: HTMLElement,
  resultEle?: HTMLElement,

  maxVisibleListItems?: number

I declare a global module-wise variable:

var $protected : tSelectProtected = {};

I'm assigning proper value in function1() scope:

$protected.listEle = document.createElement('DIV');

Later in function2() scope, I'm calling:


I'm getting TypeScript error:

error TS2533: Object is possibly 'null' or 'undefined'

I know that I can do explicit check using if ($protected.listEle) {$protected.listEle} to calm down compiler but this seems to be very unhandy for most non trivial cases.

How this situation can or should be handled without disabling TS compiler checks?

Best Answer

If you know from external means that an expression is not null or undefined, you can use the non-null assertion operator ! to coerce away those types:

// Error, some.expr may be null or undefined
let x = some.expr.thing;
// OK
let y = some.expr!.thing;