Spring – How to test a mocked JNDI datasource with Spring


I am fairly new to Spring and wondering how to create JUnit tests that use a mocked datasource and how to use a JNDI context with that? Currently my application uses a JNDI context from tomcat to retrieve a connection and via that connection retrieves data from a database. So I guess I need to mock the JNDI calls and the data retrieval. Any good pointers on what the best way to tackle this would be great! Thanks a lot!

Best Answer

You can use SimpleNamingContextBuilder to make a jndi datasource available to your tests:

    SimpleNamingContextBuilder builder = new SimpleNamingContextBuilder();
    builder.bind("java:comp/env/jdbc/mydatasource", dataSource);


This isn't exactly mocking the datasource, but it does make the datasource available via jndi for your tests.