How to the Adobe AIR installer itself require AIR


I downloaded the file in order to do a side-car AIR installation. I created a directory (AIR_bundle) and unzipped the downloaded file into that. In that directory, I end up with:

Adobe AIR Installer.exe
Adobe AIR/

where the latter is a sub-folder containing lots of other files. On the command-line, I execute the exe file passing only the -silent option, and I get an error dialog that says:

This application requires a version of
Adobe AIR which cannot be found.
Please download the latest version of
the runtime from, or
contact the application author for an
updated version.

How can the AIR installer itself require AIR? It's AIR I'm trying to install in the first place.

Note: this is NOT the standard AIR installer. This is the special installer you can use if you get a special license from Adobe to distribute AIR with your application.

FYI: I've been referring to the "ADOBE AIR 1.5 Runtime Redistribution Instructions" document that says in part:

Silent installation

To run the Adobe AIR installer silently, start the Adobe AIR installer with the following command line options:

-silent {-eulaAccepted ( -location ) -desktopShortcut -programMenu} path

To install or update the runtime only, use the -silent option without specifying a path or any other options.

Best Answer

See this support KB from Adobe for the reason/fix:

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