How to update TFS workspace after computer name changes

tf-clitfsvisual studio 2012workspace

I renamed my computer name, and now my TFS workspace is broken in Visual Studio 2012.

When I type:

tf workspaces /computer:ABOTONJIC-PC /owner:* /format:detailed

Workspace  : ABOTONJIC-PC
Owner      :
Computer   : ABOTONJIC-PC
Comment    :
Collection :\DefaultCollection
Permissions: Private
Location   : Local
File Time  : Current

But I need to have :

Owner      :
Computer   : NEW-PC

Then I try:

tf workspaces /updateComputerName:ABOTONJIC-PC /

No workspace matching *; on computer NEW-PC found in Team Foundation Server

So my question are :

  1. How to update computer name in my workspace?
  2. Why TFS still shows "" in workspace although there is new email registered as ""?

Best Answer

I installed Sidekicks. It did not work for this issue, but this did:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE>tf workspaces /updateComputerName:OldComputerName /s:"https://tfsServerName"