How un-portable is assembly language, /really/


I understand that writing anything in assembly, or adding assembly to any program harms its portability. But, how bad? I mean, basically all PC's are x86 or x64 these days, right? So, if I embed assembly into a C program, why wouldn't it still compile no matter where it went?

Does this notion of un-portability just refer to when you really dig in to the specific quirks of a specific processor, to squeeze out every drop of performance from a piece of code?

The PC game "Roller Coaster Tycoon" was written almost entirely in assembly language if I remember correctly. So… How un-portably could it really be?

Best Answer

Besides the processor itself, there are, of course, always other considerations: what are the calling conventions on your target platform? How are struct values passed to other (say: API) functions? Which registers may be clobbered by the callee? Which are guaranteed to be preserved for the caller? How to do a system call? What's the memory layout prepared for you by the OS upon process start?