R – How would you display the menu of a Sharepoint 2007 website in a .net web application out of the Sharepoint context


I have a website in Sharepoint 2007, as any page I use a .net menu to display the page hierarchy. This works when i am using it in a Sharepoint webapplication because i am in the Sharepoint Context.
The problem is that I have a web application that is not a Sharepoint Application but must have the same menu as the website in Sharepoint 2007.
Imagine this hierarchy:


Imagine that Services is in fact a link to a .net webapplication. How to get the rest of the menu in the most optimized way. This menu must be always up-to-date, if it changes,it must be reflected in the .net webapplication

Best Answer

Use a custom xml sitemap provider. Both applications can be configured to access the shared xml datasource and a timer job or similar can be coded to update the xml as required.

MSDN Customizing Navigation Controls and Providers

Code project SharePoint Custom Site Navigation

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