R – In a step by step way how to build this open source flex project in flex builder


in a step by step way, how do I build the products in this open source flex project?
i have flex builder 3 and a mac with java so I should be able to build this.

There is a library and an example project called simpleworld.


I want to build the latest version: 0.24

There is no readme so when I open flex builder, I don't know what to do next.

Bonus round: how do I build with Ant?

Best Answer

1) Unzip downloaded files

2) Open Flex and right click your Project and go to 'Properties'.

3) Click 'Flex Build Path'

4) Click 'Library Path' tab

5) Click 'Add SWC...'

6) Click 'Browse' to navigate to your unzipped files and select moccasin-core/bin/moccasin-core.swc

7) Those files are now imported into your project. Whenever you find a library just look for the .swc file in the bin folder and add it you your build paths.