R – In wpf treeview, how to redraw the nodes with their previous expanded values(using MVVM)


I am developing a wpf desktop app with strict MVVM pattern.
Current my app is doing following things:

  • Showing a Treeview with HierarchicalDataTemplate.
  • User can expand or collapse Nodes.
  • User can add add new Nodes(Drag n Drop + double click).
  • Everytime a new Node is added Model is updated and Treeview is recreated based on Model.
  • Because Treeview is recreated, all nodes are shown as expanded after adding nodes.

I want to show nodes with their previous expanded condition. Is there any way to do this using MVVM ? What I have thought so far is

  • Model should not contain any data related to how to draw UI ??
  • VM should just get data from Model and put it in UI(and pass date from UI to Model) ??

Thanks for your thoughts. I may be way far out form rail. But just want to have some wisdom from you guys.


Best Answer

If you haven't already, read this great article by Josh Smith: Simplifying the WPF TreeView by Using the ViewModel Pattern

Basically what he suggests there is to include a property called IsExpanded in your VM and bind the TreeView to it correctly so that the expanded/collapsed status is entirely controlled by the programmer.

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