Infopath web form – Submit and switch view


I have an infopath form that I use as part of a MOSS workflow.

The form has multiple views, and a Save button on each one. What I want to do as part of the Save button's rules, is submit the information and switch to the next view.

I added two rules to the button, one to submit data and another to switch view, but when I re-enter the form, it won't have the information saved.

If I replace the switch view action by a Close Form action, however, when I reenter the form it will have all the fields saved (as expected).

Has anyone run into a similar issue? Any workaround?

My form doesn't have any VB or C# code, so there's nothing to post related to that.

Best Answer

I've actually run into similar issues with combining multiple actions with a submit (the submit seems to fire non-deterministically). I'd highly recommend refactoring the "save" and "switch view" actions into different buttons to avoid these issues.

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