IoC, Where do you put the container


I'm using castle windsor for a pet-project I'm working on. I'm starting to notice that I need to call the IoC container in different places in my code to create new objects. This dependency on the container makes my code harder to maintain.

There are two solutions I've used to solve this problem

I tried to create abstract factories as wrappers around the container that I could inject into parts of my application that need to create objects. This works but has some drawbacks because castle has a hard time injecting it's own container as a dependency. So I have to do that by hand, this kind of defeats the whole purpose of the IoC container.

I have used the main applicationcontroller class to wrap the IoC container and work as a central factory/repository. This was quite succesfull but this class is getting too big and acts like a central god-object, almost every other objects has a reference to it.

Both solutions sort of work but both have their drawbacks. So I'm curious if other people had the same problem and have found better solutions.

The problem isn't for object A that depends on object B. Here I usually just use constructor injection and everything works. Sometimes I have objects of type A that need to create a variable number of other objects of type B during their lifetime. I'm not sure how to do this.

@Blair Conrad: The maintenance issues are not severe until now. I had some classes depend on the container object calling container.Resolve<>. And I don't want to have my code depending on what I think is infrastructure. I'm still trying things out so I noticed I had to change a lot of code when switching from ninject to castle for this project.

@flowers: Hmm. I like your fists solution. It combines the things that work from both solutions I've tried. I think I was still thinking too much in objects and not enough in interfaces/responsibilities.
I tried purpose built factories but I would like to have them use the container behind the scenes to create the objects and I havn't found out how I can DI the container into objects in a clean way.

Best Answer

Please, do not ever ever use static classes like IoC.Container.Resolve or ContainerFactory.GetContainer!

This makes the code more complicated, harder to test to maintain, to reuse and to read.

Normally any single component or a service has only one single point of injection - that's the constructor (with optional properties). And generally your components or service classes should not ever know about the existence of such thing as container.

If your components really need to have dynamic resolution inside (i.e. resolving exception handling policy or workflow, based on the name), then I recommend to consider lending IoC powers via the highly-specific providers