R – Is it better to use Nested Master pages or User Controls for multi-sectioned website


I am creating a website that has 5 different sub-sites each with the same overall look, but each has a different logo and added navigation.

What do you feel is a better approach:

  • Use the new nested master page capabilities to create 5 sub-master pages.
  • Use a single master page and dynamically load user controls corresponding to each sub-site's
    specific logo/navigation.

I'm currently going down the nested master page route.

Update (12/19/2008):

I am using Nested Master pages, and it is working out great. You are able to pass-through ContentPlaceHolders, and even have default content for the placeholders.

Best Answer

Nested Master is much better than loading a user control dynamically. Dynamically loading a control is slow.

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