R – Is it impossible to put AutoCompeleteBox inside of DataForm


I tried to use autocompletebox inside of dataform instead of TextBox. but I cannot see instance name of autocompletebox in the class file.

BTW, If I put autocompletebox outside of dataform, I can see instance name of autocompletebox, "acbEmpName".

So, my question is that Is it impossible to put autocompletebox inside of dataform?
If so, How to use autocompletebox inside of dataform?

I am using silverlight3.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

AutoCompleteBox should work well with DataForm, with the only exception being that AutoCompleteBox does not conform to the "IsReadOnly" convention that some of the other controls do, so in read-only mode your experience visually might be a little less than ideal.

Is it possible that this is a sizing issue? Could you try putting the AutoCompleteBox control inside of a StackPanel, or providing a specific size - height 40 width 120, or something like that, to see if it appears better?