R – Is it necessary to know flash designing for flex3


I am from a programming background ,and newbie to flex3 . i would like to learn flex3 and develop some application using rails and flex3 . Is it necessary to know flash in order to learn flex3 or just learning Action script 3 would do ? .Can anybody tell what are the prerequisites to learn flex3 . Thanks in Advance.

Best Answer

You should probably learn how to use AS3, but most of the Flex learning paths I've encountered so far included both MXML and AS3.

You do not need to know anything about the Flash design tools (Flash CS3/4) to develop Flex applications.

While non-Flex applications can also be developed using Flex builder, these have nothing to do with the Flash design tool.


Flex: Framework built on top of AS3. Use Flex Builder to develop these applications (current version is 3, the next version is going to be called Flash Builder 4 because the Adobe marketing team has to justify its existence).


AS3 - http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/help.html?content=Part6_ProgAS_1.html

Flex - http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/mxml_1.html#192432


Essential Actionscript 3.0 - http://www.amazon.com/Essential-ActionScript-3-0-Colin-Moock/dp/0596526946/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1250070076&sr=8-1

Programming Flex 3 - http://www.amazon.com/Programming-Flex-Comprehensive-Creating-Applications/dp/0596516215/ref=pd_sim_b_8

As for videos, the net is full of them, but since I learn much faster from books, I've never bothered to look for any videos. It does seem however that adobe has some new thing on their Developer Center. Take a look at: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/learn/learningpath.html#type=role&role=programmer

The help system that comes with Flex Builder 3 is exceptionally good as well (as opposed to most other language dedicated IDEs I've encountered so far). I suggest you get a copy of FB3 and install it. Things tend to get a lot simpler once you have a working environment to experiment with, especially when the IDE offers comprehensive documentation (under the help -> help contents menu).

Good luck.

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