R – Is it OK to go from Hashed to Encrypted password type in an ASP.NET membership provider


I've have an asp.net web app, forms authentication, that's uses Hashed password type.
Will I run across any problems if I change the password type to Encrypted?

I see that, if I change to Encrypted, attempted password recovery for old hashed passwords fails gracefully, which is good. Are there any not so good things that might show up if I change.

If someone changes their password after I make the change to Encrypted the password type stays as Hashed. Is there any way to force it to store the new password as Encrypted instead?

Best Answer

if I change the password type to Encrypted?


Hashed is safer (password recovery: generate a new password and send that).

The only reason I can see to use encrypted is if the passwords are needed by the system itself (e.g. to authenticate to another system as the user).

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