R – Is it possible to compile flex 3 charts in intellij


I'm aware that mx.charts is part of flex builder professional.

I've downloaded the trial version of flex builder professional and added the datavisualization.swc to my intellij Flex_sdk classpath. The IDE is now aware of the classes, but when I come to compile I still get:

"Type was not found"

Is there a license or something I need to add to the classpath.

Can anyone give a step by step guide to compiling a flex app that uses charts, either in intellij, or from the command line.


Best Answer

It seems that just adding all the swc classes from the FB3 lib directory to my existing jdk, based on the Flex SDK installation didn't work. However when I removed the Flex SDK all together and added a new one, with the sdk directory based on that of FB3 it started to work.