R – is it possible to use one Svn passwd file for multiple repositories to authenticate users of svn service


well I have several repositories and i want several users to access them using svnserve.exe service.
the problem is that i want to write the user names and passwords only in 1 location.
the Repositories are in the D:\SVN\ path
so lets name them
D:\Svn\Rep2\ …

well I tried to modify the svnserve.conf file in each of them to point to a single file like D:\Svn\conf.global\passwd using


but it didn't work 🙁

any ideas? or I need to do it the stupid way and duplicate the passwd file in each repository?

Best Answer

You have to use this syntax instead:

password-db = //./D:/Svn/conf.global/passwd

That's the Uniform Naming Convention on Windows to access the local machine (the dot . which could be replaced by a machine name) at its root disk D:, followed by the path - with slashes here. A little tricky at first glance but does the job.

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