Is it worth it to enable dynamic compression in IIS7


I am trying to find all possible ways I could improve my website performance. I was considering enabling dynamic compression at the server level but was concerned by performance hits (no caching of compressed pages – corruption of files – overhead on the server).
Should I just give up on the dynamic compression with IIS 7? are there modules out there that do a better job than the built-in compression module?

Best Answer

You should almost always enable dynamic compression (static is on by default). Dynamic compression == undue processing stress is a pernicious myth. Here's MSDN:

Despite a common myth, dynamic compression usually does not have a prohibitive CPU overhead. In fact, dynamic compression often causes less than 5 percent of the total CPU utilization on a busy server. Dynamic compression can be deployed somewhat liberally to allow for maximum bandwidth savings for any application workloads.

Also, you can specify a CPU throttle for compression in IIS7.