R – Is REST suitable for document-style web services

restsoapweb services

RESTful and document/message-style seem to be two trends to implement web services nowadays in general. By this, I mean REST vs SOAP, and document-style vs RPC-style.

My question is how compatible REST is with document-style web services. From my limited knowledge of REST, it is utilizing http GET/POST/PUT/DELETE verbs to perform CRUD-like operations on remote resources denoted by URLs, which lends it into a more "chatty" and remote-method like style, aka RPC style. On the other hand, document-style web services emphasize on coarse-grained calls, i.e. sending up a batch like request document with complex information, and expecting a response document back also with complex information. I cannot see how it can be accomplished nicely with REST, without declaring only one resource for "Response" and using POST verb all the time (which will defeat the purpose of REST).

As I am new in both document-style and RESTful web services, please excuse me for, and kindly point out, any ignorance in above assumptions. Thanks!

Best Answer

Your understanding of REST is misguided. This is not surprising nor your fault. There is far, far more mis-information about REST floating around on the internet than there is valid information.

REST is far more suited to the coarse-grain document style type of distributed interface than it is for a data oriented CRUD interface. Although there are similarities between CRUD operations and the HTTP GET/PUT/POST/DELETE there are subtle differences that are very significant to the architecture of your application.

I don't think you mean REST over SOAP. It is possible to do REST over SOAP, but to my knowledge nobody does it, and I have never seen an article talking about it.

SOAP is usually used for "Web Services" and REST is usually done over HTTP.

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