R – Is silverlight the right choice for what i need


I am looking at the best approach to add rich functionality to an existing ASP.NET 3.5 application. I have not developed anything in Silverlight but as i was thinking about what functionality i needed i started wondering if Silverlight might be the answer.

Here is what i need:
The ability to move/select objects, select each object and be able to apply properties such as color from a color picker. The objects should all implement a common Interface and/or base class.

I was thinking of how easy this would be to do with a Windows Forms app, but this MUST be a web app that can run on Windows and Mac.

I was wondering if Silverlight is more just for fancy graphics or has the ability for me to fullfill this business need and function more like an ASP.NET/AJAX app (but with better access to the objects).

Here are some considerations:

  • I have done nothing with WPF
  • The user base for this is somewhat
    small but i cannot dictate O/S
  • I need to be able to load/save the data back to the server (np im sure)
  • I have much experience with nTier,
    .NET, etc… but the xaml/SL learning

Thank you very much for taking the time to look at this 🙂

Thank you all for your comments, very helpful.

  • Having the users install silverlight will not be an issue, it is a small subset of the overall application and will be a requirement if they want that functionality.

Best Answer

Since installing the plugin is not a problem for your clients then I highly recommend going for Silverlight. Version 3.0 is really good for line of business apps and as someone else mentioned...silverlight is fast approaching the point where interactive HTML can be fully done away with.

With your .net experience using Silverlight is a no-brainer. XAML is a piece of cake and if for some reason you are not comfortable defining your UI with XAML (despite excellent tools like Blend) then you can add and invoke them via code behind.

  • I have done nothing with WPF For simple forms this wont be an issue. There are a ton of tutorials out there covering normal form based interaction with silverlight.

  • The user base for this is somewhat small but i cannot dictate O/S As long as they are using OS X or Windows they have full silverlight capability. Linux users are lacking a bit behind with Moonlight...

  • I need to be able to load/save the data back to the server (np im sure) Silverlight allows you to interact with server via Sockets, WCF / WCF Duplex Services, .Net RIA Services.

  • I have much experience with nTier, .NET, etc... but the xaml/SL learning curve..? I dont think there is much of a learning curve involved with XAML / SL specially if you are experienced with .Net and nTier apps.

Here are some good resources

http://www.silverlight.net/learn http://www.silverlight.net/getstarted

Good luck!