Scala – Iteration over a sealed trait in Scala


I just wanted to know if it is possible to iterate over a sealed trait in Scala?
If not, why is it not possible? Since the trait is sealed it should be possible no?

What I want to do is something like that:

sealed trait ResizedImageKey {

   * Get the dimensions to use on the resized image associated with this key
  def getDimension(originalDimension: Dimension): Dimension


case class Dimension(width: Int,  height: Int)

case object Large extends ResizedImageKey {
  def getDimension(originalDimension: Dimension) = Dimension(1000,1000)

case object Medium extends ResizedImageKey{
  def getDimension(originalDimension: Dimension) = Dimension(500,500)

case object Small extends ResizedImageKey{
  def getDimension(originalDimension: Dimension) = Dimension(100,100)

What I want can be done in Java by giving an implementation to the enum values. Is there an equivalent in Scala?

Best Answer

This is actually in my opinion an appropriate use case for 2.10 macros: you want access to information that you know the compiler has, but isn't exposing, and macros give you a (reasonably) easy way to peek inside. See my answer here for a related (but now slightly out-of-date) example, or just use something like this:

import language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.Context

object SealedExample {
  def values[A]: Set[A] = macro values_impl[A]

  def values_impl[A: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context) = {
    import c.universe._

    val symbol = weakTypeOf[A].typeSymbol

    if (!symbol.isClass) c.abort(
      "Can only enumerate values of a sealed trait or class."
    ) else if (!symbol.asClass.isSealed) c.abort(
      "Can only enumerate values of a sealed trait or class."
    ) else {
      val children = symbol.asClass.knownDirectSubclasses.toList

      if (!children.forall(_.isModuleClass)) c.abort(
        "All children must be objects."
      ) else c.Expr[Set[A]] {
        def sourceModuleRef(sym: Symbol) = Ident(



Now we can write the following:

scala> val keys: Set[ResizedImageKey] = SealedExample.values[ResizedImageKey]
keys: Set[ResizedImageKey] = Set(Large, Medium, Small)

And this is all perfectly safe—you'll get a compile-time error if you ask for values of a type that isn't sealed, has non-object children, etc.