JBoss Database Connection Pool


I am new to jboss and i have been asked to incorporate jboss connection pooling mechanism with an existing web application. Considering that a web application database layer is properly written i.e. all resultsets, statements and connections being closed properly when not needed, What all code changes i will have to make in my web app after i have configured the jboss datasource properly.

Can anybody please point me to a tutorial or a code sample which uses jboss datasource in a web app.

Best Answer

first create an xml file by name xxx-ds.xml and place this file in server/default/deploy/xxx-ds.xml

<connection-url>jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://          </connection-url>


<!--  <security-domain flushOnSessionInvalidation="false"/>-->
<!--  <context-root>/BSI</context-root>-->
        <description>Database connection resource</description>


    <description>Database connection resource</description>   

and now in your .java file

javax.naming.Context ctx1 = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
javax.sql.DataSource ds = (javax.sql.DataSource) ctx1.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/Exp");
con = ds.getConnection();

***** make sure that resource ref name should be same in all place

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