JMeter Loop Count


I want to run a JMeter test with a number of concurrent threads with each thread sending a request every 10 seconds.

These are my thread properties.

Number of Threads: 10

Ramp-Up Period: 10

Loop Count: 1

Result: 10 requests divided over 10 seconds, so every second a request and exactly what I want.

Now I want to run this test for 3 times(30 seconds). So I set the Loop Count to 3.

But the result is: 30 requests in 10 seconds. This is strange, because I would expect to run this for 30 seconds and get 1 request per second.

How can I achieve this with JMeter?

My final goal is to run this test for a long period and also increase the Number of Threads.

How to do this with JMeter?

Best Answer

I researched this today and came to this conclusion: The Loop Count setting is a complete misnomer. It doesn't actually loop in any sort of chronological sense, even if your Test Plan has Run Thread Groups consecutively checked. What it does do is multiply your thread group and run all multiples concurrently. Therefore, the Ramp-Up Period is only respected once, and NOT once per "loop" - there is no temporal loop!

An explanation with graphs can be found here:

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