R – Know any unobstrusive, simple GUI guidelines or design recommendations for notifications

user interface

I'm in the process of designing and testing various ideas for an application whose main functionality will be to notify users of occurring events and offer them with a choice of actions for each.

The standard choice would be to create a queue of events showing a popup in the taskbar with the events and actions, but I want this tool to be the less intrusive and disrupting as possible.

What I'm after is a good book or papers on studies of how to maximize user productivity in these intrinsically disruptive scenarios (in other words, how to achieve the perfect degree of annoying-ness, not too much, not too little).

The user is supposedly interested in these events, they subscribe to them and can choose the actions to perform on each.

I prefer books and papers, but the usual StackOverflow wisdom is appreciated as well.

I'm after things like:

  • Don't use popups, use instead X
  • Show popups at most 3 seconds
  • Show them in the left corner
  • Use color X because it improves readability and disrupts less

That is, cognitive aspects of GUI design that would help users in such a scenario.

Best Answer

For notification, I prefer small notification windows in the bottom right corner. If they have a minimum UI allowing me to take some quick action, it would be ideal.

As model: incoming mail notification from Outlook, Skype notifications for incomming calls, etc.

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