Tensorflow – Low GPU usage by Keras / Tensorflow


I'm using keras with tensorflow backend on a computer with a nvidia Tesla K20c GPU. (CUDA 8)

I'm tranining a relatively simple Convolutional Neural Network, during training I run the terminal program nvidia-smi to check the GPU use. As you can see in the following output, the GPU utilization commonly shows around 7%-13%

My question is: during the CNN training shouldn't the GPU usage be higher? is this a sign of a bad GPU configuration or usage by keras/tensorflow?

nvidia-smi output

enter image description here

Best Answer

Could be due to several reasons but most likely you're having a bottleneck when reading the training data. As your GPU has processed a batch it requires more data. Depending on your implementation this can cause the GPU to wait for the CPU to load more data resulting in a lower GPU usage and also a longer training time.

Try loading all data into memory if it fits or use a QueueRunner which will make an input pipeline reading data in the background. This will reduce the time that your GPU is waiting for more data.

The Reading Data Guide on the TensorFlow website contains more information.

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