R – Make Flex Builder debugger start listening for incoming debug session connections


Is there any way to get Flex Builder to connect to an existing browser session running Flash Player Debugger? I can connect to FDB like this, but with Builder I need to click Debug and rush to close the newly opened browser window before it loads the Flash file and then go back to the session I want to connect and right click it to start the debugger. Unfortunately this is not very reliable as I can't always beat the window opening, requiring several attempts before being able to connect to the session I am interested in. If I could just tell Builder 'Start debugging' and then have it wait for the connection, I could now calmly go over to the browser, right click, hit debug, provide the IP and voila. This would allow me to inspect variables on a hard to replicate bug on a session running on a tester's computer.

Best Answer

As mentioned in the other answers, you can modify the launch configuration to refer to any URL that doesn't contain a SWF; but I just wanted to add that you can also use the URL "about:blank", which has the advantage that (as of Flash Builder 4) Flash Builder won't even bother opening a browser page -- it will just start listening on the socket.

-- Mike Morearty, Flash Builder team

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