R – mapping System.Version with NHibernate 1.2


I've got an object that uses System.Version as a property. I want this object to be mapped into my table, storing the version as a string. what's the best way to go about doing this with NHibernate v1.2?

public class MyClass
  public Version MyVersion {get; set;}

not sure what to do with the propery mapping

<property name="MyVersion" column="MyVersion" not-null="true" />

this gives me errors saying "Invalid attempt to GetBytes on column 'MyVersion0_0_'. The GetBytes function can only be used on columns of type Text, NText, or Image." If I use type="string" in the map, i get casting errors.


Best Answer

You would need to write an NHibernate user type, that returns a property value of type Version, but persists as a string. There is a skeleton user type implementation here that takes care of some of the work for you.

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