R – Master Page location of controls in content page


I'm trying to rebuild a site using masterpages. I copied the markup of the controls in the old page and placed them in the content place holder in the new page(in source view).

Since they were absolutely positioned the controls do not stay inside the content place holder in design view. Everything is between the content place holder tags in source view.

the page works when I run it. Is there anything wrong in leaving it like this? I can't seem to drag all the controls into the content placeholder in design view.

Best Answer

Honestly I very rarely use the design view. It is much easier and faster to just type it out by hand and by doing so you become more accustomed to the language. As for old content you can just paste it into the source and it should work fine barring mistakes in the old content of course. The Design View is not always going to accurately display your code so I would not worry too much about. You should try to build the page and make sure there are not any small discrepancies though.