Maven repository location woes


I'm reconfiguring a build server that someone else setup a long time ago to use a new Maven repository. However, the old repository is still being referenced and I can't figure out where that reference is coming from.


/etc/maven2/m2.conf (usr/share/maven2/conf/m2.conf links here)

main is org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli from plexus.core

set maven.home default ${user.home}/m2

load ${maven.home}/lib/*.jar

/etc/maven2/conf also has a settings.xml with all entries commented out.

The build user has a ~/.m2/settings.xml: referencing NewRepo.

                    <name>New Maven 2 Repo</name>
      <!-- Some other standard repos like here -->
                    <name>Ibiblio Maven 2 Repo</name>
                  <name>Apache Snapshots Maven 2 Repo</name>

There is also a /mnt/public/maven/settings.xml with the exact same content as the build user's settings.xml

I searched the entire file system to ensure there are no other settings.xml files.

When running

mvn release:prepare

I get the warning:

[INFO] NOTE: Maven is executing in
offline mode. Any artifacts not
already in your local repository will
be inaccessible.

When running

mvn release:perform

I get the error:

Error deploying artifact: Failed to
transfer file: http://OldRepo

Where could that reference to http://OldRepo be hiding?


The project's pom.xml references a parent POM as follows:


There is no reference to


in the project's POM. I have been unable to locate the parent POM.

Best Answer

About repositories inside a profile declared in the settings.xml, the documentation says:

Repositories are remote collections of projects from which Maven uses to populate the local repository of the build system. It is from this local repository that Maven calls it plugins and dependencies. Different remote repositories may contain different projects, and under the active profile they may be searched for a matching release or snapshot artifact.

So this is not used for release management. To configure where an artifact is deployed, you need to add a distributionManagement element in your pom.

The following is an example of how a distributionManagement element can be configured within a project pom.xml file.


Look for this element in your pom or in a parent pom (it could be declared in a corporate parent pom).

EDIT: you can override the distributionManagement in your pom but it would be better to modify it in the parent pom and release this new version in your enterprise repository if this is a definitive change.