R – Maximizing an Emacs frame to just one monitor with elisp


I use maxframe.el to maximize my Emacs frames.

It works great on all three major platforms, except on my dual-head Mac setup (Macbook Pro 15-inch laptop with 23-inch monitor).

When maximizing an Emacs frame, the frame expands to fill the width of both monitors and the height of the larger monitor.

Obviously, I would like the frame to maximize to fill only the monitor it's on. How can I detect the resolutions of the two individual monitors using elisp?


EDIT: As Denis points out, setting mf-max-width is a reasonable workaround. But (as I should have mentioned) I was hoping for a solution that works on both monitors and with any resolution. Maybe something OSX-specific in the style of the Windows-specific w32-send-sys-command.

Best Answer

I quickly scanned the reference that you provided to maxframe.el and I don't think that you're using the same technique that I use. Does the following code snippet help you?

(defun toggle-fullscreen ()
  "toggles whether the currently selected frame consumes the entire display or is decorated with a window border"
  (let ((f (selected-frame)))
    (modify-frame-parameters f `((fullscreen . ,(if (eq nil (frame-parameter f 'fullscreen)) 'fullboth nil))))))