R – Members only based plugin for WordPress


Can anyone recommend me a good members-only plugin? I want to hide pages (and their tabs) if users aren't signed in.

So far I have found:

  • 'Member Access' which doesn't hide the tabs
  • 'wp-members' which wouldn't work with 2.8.4
  • 'user access manager' which was too complex clunky to be useful.

There should be something basic out there for what I need, but no luck so far.

Best Answer

Justin Tadlock is a WordPress heavy (wrote the popular Hybrid theme framework), recently released a comprehensive user management plugin called Members, which among other things can turn your blog into a login-only venue:

Private Blog: Allows you to create a private blog that can only be accessed by users that are logged in (redirects them to the login page).

But I get the impression that you're looking to keep some part available to the public users and other parts only for registered users.

You can also use this plugin to restrict certain areas of your blog, screenshot example here: based on role

Hiding the tabs from the public user is the challenging part. Themes typically aren't designed with private portions in mind; you'd have to hack it yourself or get someone to do it for you.

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