Mercurial ignore file


I'm trying to get Mercurial to ignore a configuration file, but I'm failing to get it working.

I have created a repository on my server with hg init and cloned that repository to my computer. I then want to be able to edit the configurationj file but not commit those changes back to the server.

I have tried creating a .hgignore in the root of my clone, but Mercurial flags the file with a ? and whether I commit it or not it still continues to log my configuration changes.

Am I creating the .hgignore file in the wrong place, does this file need to be commited? Does it need to be created before I init the repository on the server?

Best Answer

  • .hgignore does not need to be created before init
  • It the config file will be used by others, you'd better commit the .hgignore so others dont have to create it, but this is not needed for mercurial to ignore your local files (see example)
  • Yes .hgignore has to be in the root directory

Simple example.

Init the repo:

$ mkdir test 
$ cd test 
$ hg init 

Create a file

$ touch foo 
$ hg st 
? foo 

Now create a .hgignore, in the root directory of your repo:

$ echo 'foo' > .hgignore 

foo is now ignored:

$ hg st 
? .hgignore 

Note that .hgignore does not need to be committed for this to work.

A bit more tricky

If both the config file and a .hgignore (ignoring the config file) are committed in the repo, then yes, the config file changes will be tracked (in other words, .hgignore will have no effect)

Creating config and commit it

$ touch config
$ hg ci config -Am 'adding conf'

Ignore it:

$ echo 'config' >> .hgignore

Commit .hgignore:

$ hg ci .hgignore -Am '.hgignore'

Then if you clone the repo:

$ cd ..
$ hg clone test other-user
$ cd other-user

and modify config:

$ echo 'new config param' >> config

then hg will show the changes:

$ hg st
M config

How to deal with this?

You probably want to have a main default configuration file, that is versioned, in the repository, global.cfg

And you will ask users to create a local.cfg where they will put their local settings. And your script will source the local.cfg if present: the local settings override the global ones. Of course, add a line to .hgignore to ignore local.cfg ;)

Alternative: no global config file, only a config.example that users copy and modify locally. The con here is that you will not keep track easily of changes between versions.