Maven – Merging Integration and Unit test reports with JaCoCo


I am generating failsafe and surefire reports with maven with the JaCoCo plugin, but I can only manage to get them in separate reports. I would like to have a overall coverage view (merge between both Unit Tests and Integration Tests) as well.

After what I think was a thorough google search I could only found a way to do this with Sonar. Is there any simpler way to do this?

Related question: Maven separate Unit Test and Integration Tests

Best Answer

I recently implemented this: after some headaches and a lot of testing, I have a configuration that works beautifully.


As you can see, there are 6 distinct Jacoco executions to run the tests, merge the files and create an aggregate report. On top of the Jacoco config, you also need to configure Surefire and Failsafe to take an argument from Jacoco (Surefire runs the unit tests and Failsafe runs the integration tests).

All of the configuration that I used should be there, what you do with it is your design architecture to make it fit within your desired requirements. Personally, I recommend a look into what I exclude and include within surefire and failsafe if you are having issues with files not being read.