R – Microsoft Access 2007 accdr extension an Vista 64 bit OS


Has anyone ever tested a Microsoft Access 2007 .accdr application on Windows Vista 64 bit version? I sell a shareware program using the Access 2007 runtime, and, for one customer with that setup, there's some kind of problem. According the user ". When I try to execute the program, it opens IE and then brings up the dialog box to either Open, Save, or Cancel the "myprogram.accdr" file. If I choose run it simply goes away and then returns back to the same question"

It sound like this somehow got mapped to IE. On my windows XP system, it starts Access and runs the program. Any ideas?

Best Answer

MS Access isn't supported on 64bit, as it requires a 64bit JET engine which isn't available, Microsoft only released a 32bit JET engine. So your application has to run on WOW so it runs as 32bit and therefore is able to use the 32bit jet engine.