Missing ranges error message when reintegrating a branch into trunk in Subversion 1.5


I'm trying to reintegrate a development branch into the trunk in my Subversion 1.5 repository. I merged all the changes from the trunk to the development branch prior to this operation. Now when I try to reintegrate the changes from the branch I get the following error message:

Command: Reintegrate merge https://dev/svn/branches/devel into C:\trunk  
Error: Reintegrate can only be used if revisions 280 through 325 were previously   
Error: merged from https://dev/svn/trunk to the reintegrate   
Error: source, but this is not the case:  
Error:   branches/devel/images/test  
Error:     Missing ranges: /trunk/images/test:280-324  

The message then goes on complaining about some folders in my project. But when I try to merge the changes from the trunk to the development branch again, TortoiseSVN tells me that there's nothing to merge (as I already merged all the changes before):

Command: Merging revisions 1-HEAD of https://dev/svn/trunk into C:\devel, respecting ancestry  
Completed: C:\devel  

I'm trying to follow the instructions from here: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/svn.branchmerge.basicmerging.html, but there's nothing about solving such a problem.

Any ideas? Perhaps I should just delete the trunk and then make a copy of my branch? But I'm not really sure if it's safe.

See also

svn merge with –reintegrate complains about missing ranges but mergeinfo seems correct

Best Answer

We struggled with this issue for few weeks and we finally got it solved.

In our case, we worked on a branch that was merged with all trunk revisions on a daily basis. When we tried to reintegrate it (merge back to trunk) we got this error. When we tried to merge the missing ranges to our branch we got message that there is nothing to merge. It happened in several unrelated branches and with different files and folders.

The solution was to add the missing ranges to the svn:mergeinfo property of the file or folder in our branch.

For each "Missing ranges: path:revision_range" line in the message you got:

  • Edit the svn:mergeinfo property in file/folder mentioned in in the merged branch
  • Append the following : string at the end of the property value (e.g. /trunk/images/test:280-324)
  • Save the SVN property

Commit all changes and reintegrate again