R – MOSS 2007 Document Library – choice column not displaying selected value


I have something funky going on with MOSS & was wondering if anyone out there has seen anything like it:

I have a document library in MOSS that has several custom columns added to it. I have a column of type choice. For one document in the library (a word document), the selected value does not get displayed for the one column – all of the other columns are fine & the other 60 documents in the folder display the selected values correctly. When I edit the properties of the document, the value of the column is defaulted to blank, I can change it to another value & save it. However the new value doesn't get displayed in the list view, nor does it show up if I edit the properties again.

If, I open the document in word & view the Document Information Panel it displayes the value that I had selected & saved for the column. However, the column is being displayed as a text box & not a drop down. The value still does not get displayed in the list view or properties view after a save.

Has anyone seen behaviour like this before?

Best Answer

My first guess is a name collision between your custom column and the columns that ship with SharePoint out of the box. What is the column name that is causing the problem?

I have seen situations like this when there are documents in a library, and then columns are added. The existing information does not get updated properly.