R – MS Access Data Access Limitations

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I have a project right now where I'd like to be able to pull rows out of an Access database that a 3rd party product uses to store its information. There will likely be a small number of users hitting this database at the same time my "export" process does, so I'm a little concerned about data integrity and concurrent access.

Will I likely run into problems with my .NET import process (using LINQ/ADO.NET/?) when it is trying to pull data out of the MDB at the same time someone else is saving a row? How does Access's locking work?

Best Answer

There should no problem. Problems can occur only on concurrent write operations. The locking from MS Access based on file locks in the ldb file. The locks occur only on pages and not on the completely file. Because the locks are in the ldb file and not in the mdb file that there are no problems with parallel reading.

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