– MVC Areas – View not found

I have a project that is using MVC areas. The area has the entire project in it while the main "Views/Controllers/Models" folders outside the Areas are empty barring a dispatch controller I have setup that routes default incoming requests to the Home Controller in my area.

This controller has one method as follows:-

public ActionResult Index(string id)
        return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", new {area = "xyz"});

I also have a default route setup to use this controller as follows:-

            "Default",                                              // Default route
            new { controller = "Dispatch", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

Any default requests to my site are appropriately routed to the relevant area. The Area's "RegisterArea" method has a single route:-

            new { action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

My area has multiple controllers with a lot of views. Any call to a specific view in these controller methods like "return View("blah");
renders the correct view. However whenever I try and return a view along with a model object passed in as a parameter I get the
following error:-

Server Error in '/DeveloperPortal' Application.
The view 'blah' or its master was not found. The following locations were searched:

It looks like whenever a model object is passed in as a param. to the "View()" method [e.g. return View("blah",obj) ] it searches for the view
in the root of the project instead of in the area specific view folder.

What am I missing here ?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Solved ! A couple of my "RedirectToAction" calls were not specifying the area name explicitly in the routeobject collection parameter of that method. Weird though, that that is required even though the controllers Redirecting are all in the same area. Also, the HtmlActionLinks work fine when I don't specify the new {area="blah"} in its routeobject collection, so I wonder why the controller action calls to RedirectToAction() need that even though both the calling and the called controller actions are all within the same area.