Iphone – My iOS app has a + in its name. Bundle is invalid due to this. Need help resolving


I did find a couple of very similar or identical threads here but they seemed to end before full resolution.

My app runs fine on my device with no build error. I am trying to submit app for approval and I get the following error, "This bundle is invalid. The executable name, as reported by CFBundleExecutable in the info.plist file may not contain any of these characters ….. +". So I opened my info.plist file and changed the info.plist file executable name from the macro ${EXECUTABLE_NAME} to the name of my app without the +. I did a new archive but then get an error saying the "codesign failed with exit code 1".

In another thread I read to just change targets name removing the + from there and leaving the info.plist file with the macro for the executable name, restarting Xcode and then archiving again. That allowed me to archive but I received the same error in iTunes Connect.

I have been working on this all day and don't find the solution. Can anyone please point me in the right direction? Thank you for any help.

Best Answer

You have to change ${PRODUCT_NAME} in Build Settings. And you have to set name for display at Bundle Display Name in Info.plist.

See here for more details: Bundle Name, Executable Name, Product Name...anything else?

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