R – need help with mvc & routes


I'm very new to MVC and I'm trying to get a new site set up using it. For SEO reasons we need to make the url of a page something like "Recruiter/4359/John_Smith" or basically {controller}/{id}/{name}. I have that working when I create the url in the code behind like so…

//r is a recruiter object that is part of the results for the view

r.Summary = searchResult.Summary + "... <a href=\"/Recruiter/" + r.Id + "/" + r.FirstName + "_" + r.LastName + "\">Read More</a>"

But when I am using the collection of results from a search in my view and iterating through them I am trying to create another link to the same page doing something like <%=Html.ActionLink<RecruiterController>(x => x.Detail((int)r.Id), r.RecruiterName)%> but that doesn't work. When I use that code in the view it gives me a url in the form of /Recruiter/Detail/4359 I was told by a coworker that I should use the Html.ActionLink to create the link in both the view and the controller so that if the route changes in the future it will automatically work. Unfortunately he wasn't sure how to do that in this case. So, my problems are…

  1. How can I make the Html.ActionLink work in the view to create a url like I need (like r.Summary above)?
  2. How do I use the Html.ActionLink in a controller instead of hardcoding the link like I have above?

Best Answer

I came across this blog post which got me going in the right direction.
