Need Workaround for Outlook 2007 HTML Email Rendering Bug (Horizontal Gaps)


My HTML email newsletter design doesn't render properly in Outlook 2007. There is a white horizontal gap towards the bottom which breaks borders and backgrounds. I've had this happen before and have no idea how to work around it. Any suggestions? I've posted the source here. It renders just fine except in Outlook 2007 (Word 2007).

By the way, you can preview the problem without Outlook, by opening the source with Word 2007.

Best Answer

I can't see the original source, but the workaround is to insert a 100% width table somewhere in the design just above where it's breaking. This can be a 1px high transparent line. This allows Outlook to insert a page break.

Outlook is using Word 2007's rendering engine, so if it reaches the end of a sheet of A4 in printing size, it has to insert a page break somewhere. If there's an image in the place where it would otherwise insert that page break, it will just force that image down to the next page - that's the space you are seeing.

Using the 100% table allows Outlook to insert the page break there instead.

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