R – .Net Ria Services Deployment


I am having difficulty deploying RIA services/Silverlight 3 to a staging environment.

Here is my situation:
1) I am using RIA for authentication. This works fine on both my development machine and in the staging environment.

2) I created a custom LinqToEntities RIA service to get data from the database into my application. This service works fine when I do a local build, but does not work on the staging server.

  • The server side RIA code never gets called when the client makes a call to it.
  • The RiaContext appears to be initialized ok, i.e. it does not throw an exception.
  • I use code sililar to Context.Load(qry); to put data into the entities. The LoadOperation's complete event fires, but no data was loaded, the serverside methods were never called.

Any ideas on what may be wrong?

Best Answer

I would check to make sure that you have:

  1. The correct connection string in your web.config.
  2. The application is configured to run under a service account that has permissions to access the database.

Your Context.Load should be passing a completed event handler and in that handler you chould check that the LoadOperation.HasError is false. There will be no exception thrown if something went wrong, you have to explicity check for the error.

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