R – NonPublic causing a permissions error in reflection on medium trust


I must say that so far, I've probably just been darn lucky in that I've never come across the problems associated with a web site running in medium trust. I've only ever developed intranet apps or happened to have use a hosting company that runs in full trust. But the host I've been asked to use for a recent project runs at medium trust so I'm trying to get my app running this. Couple of questions – I develop on Windows XP. Can IIS on there be configured for medium trust (easier to debug) and/or is it a web.config setting? There is a wealth of information on this subject and the learning curve is steep.

Secondly, after a lot of fiddling and removing code, I think this line is causing a permissions error:

For Each FieldInfo As FieldInfo In Type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance Or BindingFlags.NonPublic Or BindingFlags.Public)

Can anyone clarify this is a possible candidate, esp. that NonPublic flag? This is copy & pasted code (Coding Horror highlighted the risk of this) so I've never really thought about. I assume the loop is through each field in the object both public and non-public fields – and I've read that protected fields are forbidden with reflection on medium trust.

Cheers, Rob.

Best Answer

Sorry, Reflection with NonPublic is equivalent to full trust.

If somehow I didn't have full trust but had NonPublic reflection, I could leverage that into changing my own code trust level (writable strings, etc).