Maven – Only create executable jar-with-dependencies in Maven


In my pom.xml I use the maven-assembly-plugin to create an executable jar-with-dependencies when running "mvn clean install".
Now it first creates the non-executable "name-version.jar" and after that the "name-version-jar-with-dependencies.jar".

Can I configure the pom.xml somehow, so that it doesn't create the non-executable JAR file?

At the moment I use <appendAssemblyId>false</appendAssemblyId> so it just overwrites the first file…

Also I get several "… already added, skipping" messages. Can I somehow prevent them?

This is the maven-assembly-plugin definition in my pom.xml:


Best Answer

I got it to work using the maven-jar-plugin and the single goal of maven-assembly-plugin like this


Anyway the most important thing is to tell maven not to generate the default jar using this configuration of the maven-jar-plugin
