Ruby-on-rails – OpenID support for Ruby on Rails application


What is current state of the art for enabling OpenID login in Ruby on Rails applications? This is a community wiki with up-to-date answers to this question.


The most advanced authentication solution seems to be Authlogic. It supports OpenID with Authlogic OpenID plugin. It supports Rails 4 and 3. Rails 2 is supported in the rails2 branch.

You may want to watch "OpenID with Authlogic" railscast (and the "Authlogic" railscast).

There is a sample application called Authlogic OpenID Selector Example.


Devise is flexible authentication framework for Rails. It supports OpenID with devise_openid_authenticatable.


Another authentication library of choice is restful_authentication Rails plugin. Seems like you also need to install open_id_authentication plugin.

You may want to watch (old, circa 2007) "OpenID Authentication" railscast.

Ruby OpenID

Raw support for OpenID protocol is handled by Ruby OpenID library.

Best Answer

Check out this Railscast on OpenId for more info. I'm not sure if/how it might work alongside restful_authentication, but might be a good resource. (I haven't watched it yet)